
Law Society Journal – Perfectionism (Friend or Foe for High-Achieving Lawyers?)

Our Principal & Director, Cassandra Kalpaxis, recently shared her thoughts and experiences relating to lawyers’ mental health and perfectionism for the October 2021 edition of the Law Society Journal. Want to learn more about what Cassandra has to say? Click here to read!

Book: Change Makers

Ms. Cassandra Kalpaxis will be sharing her story in the book, ‘Change Makers’, by Change Maker Press and will be sharing her story about her journey working in the space of amicable separation.

Have you met our sister brand?

Are you or is someone you know going through a divorce? Separation is a difficult process. Divorce doesn’t need to be an acrimonious and difficult experience. At our sister brand, Detox Your Divorce, we create a tailored pathway to suit each individual family to best meet your needs.